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ENTSO-E and ENTSOG’s TYNDP 2024 Draft Scenarios Report: Shaping Europe’s Energy Future

The European energy landscape is evolving rapidly, driven by ambitious climate goals and the integration of renewable energy sources. The Ten-Year Network Development Plan (TYNDP) 2024 Draft Scenarios Report by ENTSO-E and ENTSOG provides a comprehensive vision of how Europe can achieve its 2050 climate neutrality targets. This blog explores the key findings, methodologies, and future outlook presented in the report, highlighting the critical role of integrated energy systems in this transition.

Understanding the TYNDP 2024 Scenarios

The TYNDP 2024 Scenarios are designed to support infrastructure planning and policy-making, ensuring that Europe’s energy systems evolve to meet both national and EU-wide climate targets. These scenarios offer a detailed examination of future energy demand, supply patterns, and the integration of various energy carriers, such as electricity, hydrogen, and methane.

Scope and Background

The TYNDP 2024 report underscores the importance of aligning electricity, hydrogen, and methane networks to create a cohesive and efficient energy system. This alignment is crucial for achieving the EU’s 2030 energy and climate targets and its 2050 climate neutrality objective. The report outlines six scenarios, including National Trends+ (NT+), Distributed Energy (DE), and Global Ambition (GA), each offering different pathways to meet these goals.

Key Objectives

  1. Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Integration: All scenarios emphasize the importance of energy efficiency and the integration of renewable energy sources. Achieving the EU’s climate goals requires continuous improvement in technology and active participation from end consumers.
  2. Net Zero by 2050: The scenarios illustrate that net zero emissions can be achieved by 2050 through the ambitious development of renewable and low-carbon technologies, supported by robust political, societal, and economic frameworks.
  3. Sector Integration: The integration of electricity, hydrogen, and methane systems is vital for providing efficient decarbonization solutions and ensuring a reliable energy supply.
  4. Innovation and Technology Development: The scenarios rely on innovation in existing and new technologies to reduce costs, enhance energy efficiency, and support the uptake of renewable gases and synthetic fuels.

Methodological Advancements

The TYNDP 2024 scenarios incorporate several methodological advancements, including the use of the Energy Transition Model (ETM) for demand quantification and the explicit modeling of offshore wind and hydrogen systems. These advancements ensure a more accurate representation of the interdependencies and dynamics within the energy system.

Scenario Highlights

  • National Trends+: This scenario aligns with national energy and climate policies, reflecting the latest policy developments and market trends. It emphasizes the role of electricity and hydrogen in achieving decarbonization targets.
  • Distributed Energy: Focuses on decentralization and renewable energy integration at the local level, promoting energy autonomy and efficiency.
  • Global Ambition: Highlights a globalized approach with significant investments in large-scale technologies and low-carbon energy sources, aiming for a high degree of energy self-sufficiency and import diversification.

Stakeholder Engagement and Transparency

The TYNDP 2024 process prioritizes stakeholder engagement and transparency. Extensive consultations with stakeholders have shaped the scenarios, ensuring they reflect diverse perspectives and the latest data. The creation of the Scenarios Stakeholder Reference Group and public consultations have been instrumental in this process.

Future Perspectives

Looking ahead, the TYNDP 2024 scenarios will continue to evolve, incorporating feedback from stakeholders and advancements in technology. These scenarios provide a robust framework for infrastructure planning and policy-making, guiding Europe towards a sustainable and integrated energy future.


ENTSO-E and ENTSOG’s TYNDP 2024 Draft Scenarios Report offers a comprehensive and forward-looking vision for Europe’s energy transition. By integrating electricity, hydrogen, and methane systems, and emphasizing innovation and stakeholder engagement, the report lays the groundwork for achieving the EU’s ambitious climate targets. As Europe continues to navigate its path towards climate neutrality, these scenarios will play a crucial role in shaping a resilient and sustainable energy system.